In the course website, the Leonardo Space Art Project really
attracts my eyes. It is created to "establish contact between artists,
scientists and engineers interested in working on space art projects" and
to "further the exploration and development of space by raising awareness
of the benefits and necessity of efforts in scientific and artistic endeavor".

The universe is filled with unknown, and there are much more
to be discovered. Space has become part of our pop culture, and it is really
fantastic. I hope I can see a lot more development in this area. Since we just
know a tiny part of the universe and space, it leads to one of the basic element
of art—imagination.
Work Cited:
B.E. Hill. "Sputnik." Nov 20. 2011. Web. 31 May.
2015. <http://bashapedia.pbworks.com/w/page/13961343/Sputnik>
Vesna Victoria. "Unit 9 Lecture-Space and Art." 29
July 2013. Web. 31 May. 2015.
“Leonardo Space Art Project Visioneers.” Leonardo Space Art
Project. MIT Press, 1996. Web. 31 May. 2015.
Mertes, Micah. "The 11 Best Space Movies." 7 Oct.
2013. Web. 31 May. 2015. <http://www.omaha.com/article/20131007/GO/131009478#.UpamIsSsjg8>.
Gann, William D. The W.D. Gann Master Commodity Course:
Original Commody Market Trading Course. Milton Keynes: BN Publ., 2009. Print.
Hi Junyi, I enjoyed reading your post! I really like how you brought up about Gann's Theory. Although, we have mainly focused on arts and sciences, it is interesting to learn about how science plays a role in other fields of humanities, like economics. What is great about space is that, although we have learned so much through the "Space race" and growing technology, the we still have such little knowledge about the endless space. This allows imagination to continue to play a huge role in our portrayal of space and in science fiction!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!