Monday, May 18, 2015

Extra Credit 1: Marc Foxx Gallery

front door of Marc Foxx
Legend (Pearl Surface)
 I went to Marc Foxx last Saturday. Marc Foxx exhibits a lot of artworks from different artists. I talked to the curator when I was there, and I got to know some basic information about the artists such as Kasper Bosmans and Antonio Vega Macotela.
I looked around the entire exhibition, and I feel all the artworks are quite abstract. Even though I cannot fully understand the artworks, I can still find many elements which relates closely to our class topics. “Legend (Pearl Surface)” is from Kasper Bosmans, and we can see a mixture of five countries’ flags on the upper left corner. I use a very similar graph in the very first blog post to show the concept of “two cultures” and “the third culture”. Besides, “Black Pearl Surface” is another artwork from Kasper Bosmans. Kasper Bosmans utilizes some math application in his drawings. We can see the drawing contains a large number of concentric circles to illustrate a pearl, and it can be seen as a real life application of the relationship between math and art. What’s more, Annette Kelm’s artwork “Espadrilles, U R MY BFF, LOL!, HOW R U?,” is another example of using mathematical concept in art. In “Espadrilles, U R MY BFF, LOL!, HOW R U?,”, we can see a pair of shoes stand against the wall, and the background is filled with several words such as “LOL!” and “how r u?”. Annette Kelm tries to show a 3-D picture in a 2-D paper, and he achieves this goal by drawing some lines by specific angles. It is an example of using mathematical concept to achieve some art goals.

Black Pearl Surface

Espadrilles, U R MY BFF, LOL!, HOW R U?,
I spent about one hour in Marc Foxx enjoying the beautiful time with all the art pieces. Even though I am a layman of art field, I feel truly enjoyable appreciating the entire exhibition. I feel that I fall in love with art. Besides, I feel so happy that I can apply something that I learnt in Desma 9 class in real life. I think I cannot come up with my superficial understandings of all the artworks if I do not take Desma 9 class. Finally, I think all my classmates should go this exhibition. It is just amazing!

Me and an art piece

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